January 19, 2025

Dental Cleaning: A Closer Look at Procedures and Benefits

Stained teeth, plaque, etc., can lead to tooth decay, cavities, gum diseases, and various other health-related problems. Many Texans also face these issues and seek preventive measures. Fortunately, regular dental cleaning can shine your teeth and prevent various oral and dental issues.

Whether teeth whitening or plaque removal, a professional and experienced dentist in Duncanville, TX, can provide a plethora of dental cleaning services to those in need. 

Who needs dental cleaning?

Dental cleaning is critical to maintaining healthy gums and teeth as the procedure eliminates plaque, tartar, and bacteria from your teeth surfaces. Dental cleaning once or twice a year may work well for an average adult. However, the following people may need more frequent dental cleanings.

  • People with existing gum diseases.
  • People who have a history of cavities or plaque buildup.
  • Those with a weaker immunity system.
  • Someone is experiencing bad breaths and swollen gums.
  • Some people may have illnesses that can cause oral issues.

Common dental cleaning procedures

Dental cleaning is a professional procedure that can remove stains, plaque, and tartar from the teeth to improve and maintain your oral health.  Following are some of the most common dental cleaning procedures.


Prophylaxis is a widespread and routine preventive cleaning procedure meant for people who have healthy teeth and gums. It saves your gums and teeth from dental diseases and other oral health issues. It usually involves cleaning, polishing, and fluoride treatment.

Gross debridement

Gross debridement is ideal for those who’ve not been to a dentist in a very long time and are experiencing plaque buildup. While the gross debridement procedure is similar to prophylaxis, it may be significantly longer as it also focuses on determining whether you have other dental issues that might not have been diagnosed before cleaning.

Scaling and root planing

Scaling and root planing procedure is also known as deep dental cleaning. The dentist targets the areas deep beneath your gum line to flush out hardened tartar and the bacteria that may be causing inflammation and infection.

The procedure is usually ideal for those with mild to moderate periodontitis. The dentist may administer local anesthesia to numb the area during the procedure.  

What happens during professional dental cleaning

You may expect the following during a professional dental cleaning.

  • Plaque removal: Your dentist will use a scaler to remove the stubborn tartar accumulated around your gum line. However, regular brushing and flossing can significantly reduce the chances of plaque accumulation.
  • Gritty toothpaste cleaning: The process involves cleaning your teeth using a high-power electric toothbrush to clean the tartar that the scaler may leave behind.
  • Expert flossing: Your dentist may floss your teeth to locate the areas that may cause gum bleeding after the above processes by removing any leftover plaque or toothpaste.
  • Fluoride treatment: Your dentist may ask you to rinse your mouth to get rid of debris and then proceed with fluoride treatment. Fluoride can act as a protectant and save your teeth from cavities. Fluoride may be applied in gel foam form or as a varnish that is painted over your teeth.

Exploring the advantages of dental cleaning

The following are the most significant benefits of dental cleaning.

  • The most significant benefit of dental cleaning is that you have an improved oral health. You can expect protection from cavities, bad breath, and other gum diseases.
  • Dental cleaning can significantly reduce the chances of dental infection and thus can save you from potential tooth loss.
  • Regular dental cleaning may also help you identify other dental issues at an early stage.
  • Regular dental cleaning can help you save a lot of money and time in the long run.
  • Moreover, you have brighter teeth, thus a beautiful smile.

However, if you have a weaker immune system, allergies, heart condition, or other health-related issues, your dentist may recommend other alternatives.

Final takeaway

Regular dental cleaning is an essential part of maintaining a healthy oral routine. While it helps you keep your teeth in an optimal state, it also protects your smile. Dental cleaning can provide you with excellent solutions provided that you choose a professional and experienced dentist.

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